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Blog Housekeeping 2023 AoC Day 19 – Aplenty 2023 AoC Day 22 – Sand Slabs 2023 AoC Day 18 – Lavaduct Lagoon 2023 AoC Day 21 – Step Counter 2023 AoC Day 16 – The Floor Will Be Lava 2023 AoC Day 15 – Lens Library 2023 AoC Day 14 – Parabolic Reflector Dish 2023 AoC Day 20 – Pulse Propagation 2023 AoC Day 13 – Point of Incidence 2023 AoC Day 12 – Hot Springs 2023 AoC Day 17 – Clumsy Crucible 2023 AoC Day 11 – Cosmic Expansion 2023 AoC Day 10 – Pipe Maze 2023 AoC Day 9 – Mirage Maintenance 2023 AoC Day 8 – Haunted Wasteland 2023 AoC Day 7 – Camel Cards 2023 AoC Day 6 – Wait For It 2023 AoC Day 5 – If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer 2023 AoC Day 4 – Scratchcards 2023 AoC Day 3 – Gear Ratios 2023 AoC Day 2 – Cube Conundrum 2023 AoC Day 1 – Trebuchet?! 2022 AoC Day 7 – No Space Left On Device 2022 AoC Day 6 – Tuning Trouble 2022 AoC Day 5 – Supply Stacks 2022 AoC Day 4 – Camp Cleanup 2022 AoC Day 3 – Rucksack Reorganization 2022 AoC Day 2 – Rock Paper Scissors 2022 AoC Day 1 – Calorie Counting If Sets Would DWIM 2020 AoC Day 25 – Combo Breaker 2020 AoC Day 24 – Lobby Layout 2020 AoC Day 23 – Crab Cups 2020 AoC Day 22 – Crab Combat 2020 AoC Day 21 – Allergen Assessment 2020 AoC Day 20 – Jurassic Jigsaw 2020 AoC Day 19 – Monster Messages 2020 AoC Day 18 – Operation Order 2020 AoC Day 17 – Conway Cubes 2020 AoC Day 16 – Ticket Translation 2020 AoC Day 15 – Rambunctious Recitation 2020 AoC Day 14 – Docking Data 2020 AoC Day 13 – Shuttle Search 2020 AoC Day 12 – Rain Risk 2020 AoC Day 11 – Seating System 2020 AoC Day 10 – Adapter Array 2020 AoC Day 9 – Encoding Error 2020 AoC Day 8 – Handheld Halting 2020 AoC Day 7 – Handy Haversacks 2020 AoC Day 6 – Custom Customs 2020 AoC Day 5 – Binary Boarding 2020 AoC Day 4 – Passport Processing 2020 AoC Day 3 – Toboggan Trajectory 2020 AoC Day 2 – Password Philosophy 2020 AoC Day 1 – Fix Your Expense Report Combinations IPv4 Partition Excel Columns Spelling Bee Stones and Jewels The Vigenère Cipher Van Eck by'eck Postal Words Roman Numerals in Raku Blogging With Hugo and Org Babel Golfing Faster FASTA A Twist To The Rational Story Embedding Perl6 in Eclipse