2020 AoC Day 15 – Rambunctious Recitation

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2020 day 15, written in Raku.


Part One

Given your starting numbers, what will be the 2020th number spoken?


This a quick-n-dirty solution in Raku. I nearly messed up pushing the last starting input to the %seen list before considering it.

  my @input = 2, 1, 10, 11, 0, 6;

  my %seen;
  my $last = @input.pop;

  for ^@input.elems -> $i {
      %seen{@input[$i]} = $i;

  for @input.elems..^2019 -> $i {
      my $new;
      if %seen{$last}:exists {
          $new = $i - %seen{$last};
      } else {
          $new = 0;
      %seen{$last} = $i;
      $last = $new;
  say $last;

Part Two

Given your starting numbers, what will be the 30000000th number spoken?


The solution to part one was efficient enough that it worked for part two as well. A bit slow to run but manageable.

  my @input = 2, 1, 10, 11, 0, 6;

  my %seen;
  my $last = @input.pop;

  for ^@input.elems -> $i {
      %seen{@input[$i]} = $i;

  for @input.elems..^(30000000-1) -> $i {
      my $new;
      if %seen{$last}:exists {
          $new = $i - %seen{$last};
      } else {
          $new = 0;
      %seen{$last} = $i;
      $last = $new;
  say $last;