This is a solution to Advent of Code 2022 day 7, written in Raku.
Part One
Find all of the directories with a total size of at most 100000. What is the sum of the total sizes of those directories?
class File {
has Str $.name;
has Int $.size;
method display($indent) { say ' ' x $indent ~ "- $!name (file, size=$!size)" }
class Dir {
has Str $.name;
has @.files;
has %.dirs;
method display($indent) {
say ' ' x $indent ~ "- $!name (dir)";
@!files>>.display($indent + 2);
%!dirs.values>>.display($indent + 2);
method total-size { [+] flat %!dirs.values>>.total-size, @!files>>.size }
method all-dirs { flat %.dirs.values, $.dirs.values>>.all-dirs }
my $root = => '/');
my $cwd;
my @dirstack;
for '7-input.txt'.IO.lines {
when /'$ cd /'/ { @dirstack = (); $cwd = $root; }
when /'$ cd ' (\w+)/ {
$cwd = $cwd.dirs{$/[0].Str};
when /'$ cd ..'/ { $cwd = @dirstack.pop }
when /^ 'dir ' (\w+)/ {
my $name = $/[0].Str;
$cwd.dirs{$name} =$name);
when /(\d+) ' ' (.+)$/ {
my $name = $/[1].Str;
my $size = $/[0].Int;
$cwd.files.push($name, :$size));
say "Part One:";
say "The sum of dirs <= 100,000 = " ~ [+] $root.all-dirs>>.total-size.grep(* <= 100_000);
Part One: The sum of dirs <= 100,000 = 1778099
Part Two
Find the smallest directory that, if deleted, would free up enough space on the filesystem to run the update. What is the total size of that directory?
say '';
say "Part Two:";
my $needed = 30_000_000 - (70_000_000 - $;
my @candidates = $root.all-dirs>>.total-size.grep(* >= $needed);
say "Need to free up $needed space to provide at least 30,000,000 for the update";
say "The smallest candidate is " ~ @candidates.min;
raku 7.raku
Part One: The sum of dirs <= 100,000 = 1778099 Part Two: Need to free up 1609574 space to provide at least 30,000,000 for the update The smallest candidate is 1623571