2023 AoC Day 11 – Cosmic Expansion

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2023 day 11, written in Raku.


Part One

The researcher is trying to figure out the sum of the lengths of the shortest path between every pair of galaxies. However, there's a catch: the universe expanded in the time it took the light from those galaxies to reach the observatory.

Due to something involving gravitational effects, only some space expands. In fact, the result is that any rows or columns that contain no galaxies should all actually be twice as big.

Expand the universe, then find the length of the shortest path between every pair of galaxies. What is the sum of these lengths?


  • Convert the input into a list of coordinates.
  • Summarise x coordinates in a bag and grep for empty columns. The input has no empty rows.
  • Iterate empty columns, from highest first, and increment all higher x coordinates.
  • Calcluate the sum of distances between combinations of 2 coordinates.
my @coords = gather {
    for '11-input.txt'.IO.lines.kv -> $row, $str {
        for $str.comb.kv -> $col, $char {
            take ($col, $row) if $char eq '#';

my $bag = @coords.map(-> @coord { @coord[0] }).Bag;
my @columns = (^140).grep(-> $i { $bag{$i}:exists == False });

for @columns.reverse -> $col {
    @coords .= map(-> ($x, $y) { $x > $col ?? $x + 1 !! $x, $y });

say [+] @coords.combinations(2).map(
    -> (@a, @b) { abs(@b[1] - @a[1]) + abs(@b[0] - @a[0]) });

Part Two

The galaxies are much older (and thus much farther apart) than the researcher initially estimated.

Now, instead of the expansion you did before, make each empty row or column one million times larger. That is, each empty row should be replaced with 1000000 empty rows, and each empty column should be replaced with 1000000 empty columns.

Starting with the same initial image, expand the universe according to these new rules, then find the length of the shortest path between every pair of galaxies. What is the sum of these lengths?

The only difference needed in part 2 is a larger increment.

my @coords = gather {
    for '11-input.txt'.IO.lines.kv -> $row, $str {
        for $str.comb.kv -> $col, $char {
            take ($col, $row) if $char eq '#';

my $bag = @coords.map(-> @coord { @coord[0] }).Bag;
my @columns = (^140).grep(-> $i { $bag{$i}:exists == False });

for @columns.reverse -> $col {
    @coords .= map(-> ($x, $y) { $x > $col ?? $x + 999_999 !! $x, $y });

say [+] @coords.combinations(2).map(
    -> (@a, @b) { abs(@b[1] - @a[1]) + abs(@b[0] - @a[0]) });


Here is a refactoring of the code to handle both parts:

my @galaxies = gather {
    for '11-input.txt'.IO.lines.kv -> $row, $str {
        for $str.comb.kv -> $col, $char {
            take ($col, $row) if $char eq '#';

sub calculate(@galaxies, $multiplier) {
    my @coords = @galaxies;

    my $bag = @coords.map(-> @coord { @coord[0] }).Bag;
    my @columns = (^140).grep(-> $i { $bag{$i}:exists == False });

    for @columns.reverse -> $col {
        @coords .= map(
            -> ($x, $y) {
                $x > $col ?? $x + $multiplier - 1 !! $x, $y

    [+] @coords.combinations(2).map(
        -> (@a, @b) {
            abs(@b[1] - @a[1]) + abs(@b[0] - @a[0])

say "Part 1";
say calculate(@galaxies, 2);
say "Part 2";
say calculate(@galaxies, 1_000_000);
Part 1
Part 2