This is a solution to Advent of Code 2020 day 7, written in Raku.
Part One
How many bag colors can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag?
I used a fairly hairy regular expression to parse the input lines into a set of containment rules. In hindsight this would have been more elegant if I had written a grammar.
Given the containment rules, a recursive containment check finds all 'top level' bags that can contain a shiny gold bag.
my @lines = '7-input.txt'.IO.lines;
my %rules =
-> $l {
my ($colour, $contains) = $l.match(/^
$<outer> = (<[\w\s]>+)
\s 'bags contain'
[ [ \s ~ '.' $<inner> = ( (\d+) \s (<[\w\s]>+) ' bag' 's'? )+ % ', ' ]
|| ' no other bags.'
] $/)<outer inner>;
$colour => $*[1]).Array
sub can-contain($outer, $what) {
my @names = flat %rules{$outer};
@names.grep( -> $n { $n eq $what or can-contain($n, $what) }).elems > 0;
say 'Part One';
say +%rules.keys.grep(-> $n { can-contain($n, 'shiny gold') })
Part One 289
Part Two
How many individual bags are required inside your single shiny gold bag?
For part two I added an Item
class to model how many of each bag colour a given bag can
contain. A recursive reduce gives the total number of bags required.
my @lines = '7-input.txt'.IO.lines;
class Item { has $.name; has $.many; }
my %rules =
-> $l {
my ($colour, $contains) = $l.match(/^
$<outer> = (<[\w\s]>+)
\s 'bags contain'
[ [ \s ~ '.' $<inner> = ( (\d+) \s (<[\w\s]>+) ' bag' 's'? )+ % ', ' ]
|| ' no other bags.'
] $/)<outer inner>;
$colour => $> $c { => ~$c[1], many => +$c[0]) }).Array
sub contains(@items) {
-> $i {
$i.many + $i.many * contains(%rules{$})
say 'Part Two';
say contains(%rules{'shiny gold'})
Part Two 30055