2020 AoC Day 23 – Crab Cups

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2020 day 23, written in Raku.


Part One

Using your labeling, simulate 100 moves. What are the labels on the cups after cup 1?

For part one of the Crab Cups game I started with a naive solution using array slices. But to deal with the wrapping, I ended up rotating the array to put the current position first. Still plenty fast enough for 100 moves.

  #my @cups = '389125467'.comb>>.Int;
  my @cups = '685974213'.comb>>.Int;
  my $moves = 100;
  my $debug = False;

  my sub prev-cup(Int $val) { $val == 1 ?? 9 !! $val - 1 }

  for ^$moves -> $m {
      my $current = $m % @cups.elems;

      my @working = @cups.rotate($current);

      my @pickup = @working[1,2,3];
      my @remain = flat @working[0, 4..*];

      my $insert = prev-cup(@working[0]);
      $insert = prev-cup($insert) while @pickup.grep($insert);
      my $insert-index = @remain.first($insert, :k);

      say "
-- move {$m+1} --
cups: {@cups}
pick up: {@pickup}
destination: {$insert}" if $debug;

      @cups = flat(@remain[0..$insert-index],
                   @remain[$insert-index+1 .. *])

  say "\n-- final --\n{@cups}\n" if $debug;

  say "Part one";
  say  @cups.rotate(@cups.first(1, :k)).skip.join;
Part one

Part Two

Determine which two cups will end up immediately clockwise of cup 1. What do you get if you multiply their labels together?

Part two of this problem blows up any naive solution, with a million cups and 10 million moves. I started afresh abd chose to model the circle as a singly linked list, using an array to store the linkage from one cup to the next. This allows O(1) access for from any cup to the next cup in the circle.

  #my @init-cups = '389125467'.comb>>.Int;
  my @init-cups = '685974213'.comb>>.Int;

  my $total-cups = 1_000_000;
  my $moves = 10_000_000;

  my sub prev-cup(Int $val) { $val == 1 ?? $total-cups !! $val - 1 }

  my $current = @init-cups[0];

  my @circle;
  (^8).map(-> $n { @circle[@init-cups[$n]] = @init-cups[$n+1] });
  @circle[@init-cups[8]] = 10;

  # Fill with sequential links
  (10..^1_000_000).map(-> $n { @circle[$n] = $n + 1 });
  @circle[1_000_000] = $current;

  for ^$moves {

      # Pick up
      my $a = @circle[$current];
      my $b = @circle[$a];
      my $c = @circle[$b];
      @circle[$current] = @circle[$c];

      # Find insert point
      my $insert = prev-cup($current);
      $insert = prev-cup($insert) while $insert ~~ ($a | $b | $c);

      # Insert
      my $next = @circle[$insert];
      @circle[$insert] = $a;
      @circle[$c] = $next;

      # Advance
      $current = @circle[$current];

  my $first = @circle[1];
  my $second = @circle[$first];

  say "Part two";
  say "{$first} {$second}";
  say $first * $second;

  say 'Took' ~ (now - ENTER now) ~ 's';
Part two
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