2023 AoC Day 8 – Haunted Wasteland

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2023 day 8, written in Raku.


Part One

It seems like you're meant to use the left/right instructions to navigate the network. Perhaps if you have the camel follow the same instructions, you can escape the haunted wasteland!

Starting at AAA, follow the left/right instructions. How many steps are required to reach ZZZ?

Use the following approach:

  1. Transform the instructions into a list of 1 and 0 that can be used as array indices.
  2. Transform the input into a map of key => [left-val, right-val] where the values can be picked by index.
  3. Repeatedly perform map lookups while lapping round the instructions.
my @lines = '8-input.txt'.IO.lines;
my @instructions = @lines.shift.trans('RL' => '10').comb;

my %nodes = @lines.map(
    -> $l {
        my @w = $l.comb(/\w\w\w/);
        @w[0] => @w[1,2]

my $steps = 0;
my $pos = 'AAA';
while $pos ne 'ZZZ' {
    my $rl = @instructions[$steps % +@instructions];
    $pos = %nodes{$pos}[$rl];
say "Total {$steps} steps";
Total 19631 steps

Part Two

Simultaneously start on every node that ends with A. How many steps does it take before you're only on nodes that end with Z?

Part 2 suggests that each chain of nodes is a loop and looking at the input seems to confirm this. Looping continuously until all the chains synchronize on ??Z might as well be an infinite loop if I want an answer this year.

Find the length of each loop and then reduce to the least common multiple.

my @lines = '8-input.txt'.IO.lines;
my @instructions = @lines.shift.trans('RL' => '10').comb;

my %nodes = @lines.map(
    -> $l {
        my @w = $l.comb(/\w\w\w/);
        @w[0] => @w[1,2]

my $steps = 0;
my @start-pos = %nodes.keys.grep(*.ends-with('A'));

my @steps = @start-pos.map(
    -> $start {
        my $steps = 0;
        my $pos = $start;
        while not $pos.ends-with('Z') {
            my $rl = @instructions[$steps % +@instructions];
            $pos = %nodes{$pos}[$rl];

my $total-steps = [lcm] @steps;
my $time = now - ENTER now;
my $would-have = ($time / ([+] @steps) * $total-steps) / 86400;

say "Total {$total-steps} steps";
say "Took " ~ $time.base(10, 2) ~ "s";
say "Would have taken circa " ~ $would-have.base(10, 0) ~ " days to brute-force";
Total 21003205388413 steps
Took 0.14s
Would have taken circa 289 days to brute-force