2023 AoC Day 15 – Lens Library

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2023 day 15, written in Raku.


Part One

Run the HASH algorithm on each step in the initialization sequence. What is the sum of the results?

my @steps = '15-input.txt'.IO.slurp.trim.split(',');
my @hashes = @steps.map(
    -> $step {
        my $cur-val = 0;
        for $step.comb -> $c {
            $cur-val += $c.ord;
            $cur-val *= 17;
            $cur-val %= 256;

say "Sum of hashes is {[+] @hashes}";
Sum of hashes is 514639

Part Two

With the help of an over-enthusiastic reindeer in a hard hat, follow the initialization sequence. What is the focusing power of the resulting lens configuration?

class Slot {
    has $.label;
    has $.focal is rw;

class Box {
    has @.slots;

sub hash($str) {
    my $cur-val = 0;
    for $str.comb -> $c {
        $cur-val += $c.ord;
        $cur-val *= 17;
        $cur-val %= 256;

my @boxes = (^256).map({Box.new});
my @steps = '15-input.txt'.IO.slurp.trim.split(',');

for @steps -> $step {
    my ($label, $op, $focal) = $step.match(/^(\w+)(<[=-]>)(\d)?$/).list>>.Str;

    my $box-num = hash($label);
    my $box = @boxes[$box-num];

    given $op {
        when '=' {
            my $done = False;
            for $box.slots.kv -> $k, $slot {
                if $slot.label eq $label {
                    $slot.focal = $focal;
                    $done = True;
            $box.slots.push(Slot.new(:$label, :$focal)) if not $done;
        when '-' {
            for $box.slots.kv -> $k, $slot {
                if $slot.label eq $label {
                    $box.slots.splice($k, 1);

my @powers = @boxes.kv.map(
    -> $num, $box {
            -> $index, $slot {
                ($num + 1) * ($index + 1) * $slot.focal

say "Focusing power is {[+] @powers}";
Focusing power is 279470