2023 AoC Day 21 – Step Counter

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2023 day 21, written in Raku.


Part One

Starting from the garden plot marked S on your map, how many garden plots could the Elf reach in exactly 64 steps?

constant \size = 131;
my @grid[size;size] = '21-input.txt'.IO.lines>>.comb;
my ($start-pos, $) = @grid.kv.grep(-> $k, $v { $v eq 'S' })[0];

my @deltas = (0-1i), (0+1i), (-1+0i), (1+0i);

my $coords = SetHash.new;
$coords.set($start-pos[0] + $start-pos[1]i);

for ^64 {
    my $new-coords = SetHash.new;
    for $coords.keys -> $c {
        for @deltas -> $d {
            my $dc = $c + $d;
            if @grid[$dc.im % size; $dc.re % size] ne '#' {
    $coords = $new-coords;

say +$coords.keys;
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10,2) ~ " seconds";
Took 1.06 seconds

Part Two

However, the step count the Elf needs is much larger! Starting from the garden plot marked S on your infinite map, how many garden plots could the Elf reach in exactly 26501365 steps?

constant \size = 11;
my @grid[size;size] = '21-test.txt'.IO.lines>>.comb;
my ($start-pos, $) = @grid.kv.grep(-> $k, $v { $v eq 'S' })[0];

my @deltas = (0-1i), (0+1i), (-1+0i), (1+0i);

my $coords = SetHash.new;
$coords.set($start-pos[0] + $start-pos[1]i);

for ^500 {
    my $new-coords = SetHash.new;
    for $coords.keys -> $c {
        for @deltas -> $d {
            my $dc = $c + $d;
            if @grid[$dc.im % size; $dc.re % size] ne '#' {
    $coords = $new-coords;

say +$coords.keys;
# say $coords.keys.map(*.re).min;
# say $coords.keys.map(*.re).max;
# say $coords.keys.map(*.im).min;
# say $coords.keys.map(*.im).max;
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10,2) ~ " seconds";