2020 AoC Day 17 – Conway Cubes

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2020 day 17, written in Raku.


Part One

Starting with your given initial configuration, simulate six cycles. How many cubes are left in the active state after the sixth cycle?


I thought about solving this task using native arrays, but indices would need to be offset to accommodate negative coordinates. Instead I used a map of the active cubes, using the coordinates joined together as the keys. The result is a bit messy, alternating between joined and split coordinates. Given that I had to join and split anyway, the solution could have been a little cleaner if I had used Sets instead of Hashes.

  my @input = '17-input.txt'.IO.lines>>.comb;
  my $iterations = 6;

  my %cubes = @input.kv.map(
      -> $y, @row {
              -> $x, $state {
                  if $state eq '#' {
                      my @value = $x, $y, 0;
                      @value.join(':') => @value

  for ^$iterations {
      my @neighbours = %cubes.values.map(
          -> $cube-coords {
              my @relative-coords = ([X] (0, 1, -1) xx 3).skip;
                  -> $rel { $cube-coords >>+>> $rel }
      my $neighbour-counts = @neighbours.map(*.join(':')).Bag;
      my %active = $neighbour-counts.kv.grep(
          -> $k, $v {
              $v == 3 or $v == 2 && %cubes{$k}
      %cubes = %active.keys.map( -> $k { $k => $k.split(':').Array });

  say "Part One";
  say %cubes.elems;
Part One

Part Two

Starting with your given initial configuration, simulate six cycles in a 4-dimensional space. How many cubes are left in the active state after the sixth cycle?


The solution for part two required me to refactor so that I could paramaterise the number of dimensions. The resulting solution for both parts is shown below.

  my @input = '17-input.txt'.IO.lines>>.comb;
  my $iterations = 6;

  sub run(@start, $dimensions) {
      my %cubes = @start.kv.map(
          -> $y, @row {
                  -> $x, $state {
                      if $state eq '#' {
                          my @value = $x, $y, |(0 xx $dimensions - 2);
                          @value.join(':') => @value

      for ^$iterations {
          my @neighbours = %cubes.values.map(
              -> $cube-coords {
                  my @relative-coords = ([X] (0, 1, -1) xx $dimensions).skip;
                      -> $rel { $cube-coords >>+>> $rel }
          my $neighbour-counts = @neighbours.map(*.join(':')).Bag;
          my %active = $neighbour-counts.kv.grep(
              -> $k, $v {
                  $v == 3 or $v == 2 && %cubes{$k}
          %cubes = %active.keys.map( -> $k { $k => $k.split(':').Array });

      return %cubes.elems;

  say "Part One";
  say run(@input, 3);
  say "Part Two";
  say run(@input, 4);
Part One
Part Two


Of the solutions shared on Reddit, I like 0rac1e's Raku solution the most. Their solution is similar to mine but much more elegant, making use of Tuple as an immutable key. I didn't know about Tuple, written by Elizabeth Mattijsen, which is a really useful module in the ecosystem.
