This is a solution to Advent of Code 2023 day 10, written in Raku.
Part One
The pipes are arranged in a two-dimensional grid of tiles:
is a vertical pipe connecting north and south.-
is a horizontal pipe connecting east and west.L
is a 90-degree bend connecting north and east.J
is a 90-degree bend connecting north and west.7
is a 90-degree bend connecting south and west.F
is a 90-degree bend connecting south and east..
is ground; there is no pipe in this tile.S
is the starting position of the animal; there is a pipe on this tile, but your sketch doesn't show what shape the pipe has.Based on the acoustics of the animal's scurrying, you're confident the pipe that contains the animal is one large, continuous loop …
Find the single giant loop starting at
. How many steps along the loop does it take to get from the starting position to the point farthest from the starting position?
- Parse the input into a 2 dimensional array
- Use
to find theS
start location - Path walk using a
decision ladder
enum Direction <North East South West>;
my @input = '10-input.txt'.IO.lines>>.comb;
my $width = +@input[0];
my $height = +@input;
my @grid[$height;$width] = @input;
my ($start-y, $start-x) = @grid.kv.grep(-> @k, $v { $v eq 'S' })[0][0];
my $y = $start-y; my $x = $start-x;
my $dir = South;
my $length = 0;
my $done = False;
while !$done {
$length += 1;
given $dir {
when North {
$y -= 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '|' { }
when '7' { $dir = West; }
when 'F' { $dir = East; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when South {
$y += 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '|' { }
when 'J' { $dir = West; }
when 'L' { $dir = East; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when East {
$x += 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '-' { }
when 'J' { $dir = North; }
when '7' { $dir = South; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when West {
$x -= 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '-' { }
when 'F' { $dir = South; }
when 'L' { $dir = North; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
say "Steps to furthest {$length / 2}";
Steps to furthest 6907
Part Two
You quickly reach the farthest point of the loop, but the animal never emerges. Maybe its nest is within the area enclosed by the loop?
To determine whether it's even worth taking the time to search for such a nest, you should calculate how many tiles are contained within the loop …
Figure out whether you have time to search for the nest by calculating the area within the loop. How many tiles are enclosed by the loop?
This turned out to be the biggest step up from part 1 to part 2 so far this year. I tried scanning the grid to count crossed edges but that didn't work out.
Instead I decided on this strategy:
- Clear the grid of spurious pipe segments by setting non-path tiles to
. - Repeat the path walk and flood fill any
chars to the right (inside) of the path.
The solution is verbose, with 2 copies (with differences) of the given
/ when
ladder. I
spent enough time getting a solution that I'm not too bothered about any clean-up refactoring.
There's some bonus curses animation which helped me with the debugging.
use NCurses;
enum Direction <North East South West>;
my $win = initscr();
init_pair(1, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK);
my @input = '10-input.txt'.IO.lines>>.comb;
my $width = +@input[0];
my $height = +@input;
my @grid[$height;$width] = @input;
my @pipe[$height;$width];
my ($start-y, $start-x) = @grid.kv.grep(-> @k, $v { $v eq 'S' })[0][0];
my $y = $start-y; my $x = $start-x;
my $dir = South;
my $length = 0;
my $done = False;
while !$done {
@pipe[$y;$x] = 1;
$length += 1;
given $dir {
when North {
$y -= 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '|' { }
when '7' { $dir = West; }
when 'F' { $dir = East; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when South {
$y += 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '|' { }
when 'J' { $dir = West; }
when 'L' { $dir = East; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when East {
$x += 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '-' { }
when 'J' { $dir = North; }
when '7' { $dir = South; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when West {
$x -= 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '-' { }
when 'F' { $dir = South; }
when 'L' { $dir = North; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
for ^$height -> $y {
for ^$width -> $x {
my $pipe = @pipe[$y;$x] // 0 == 1;
@grid[$y;$x] = '.' if !$pipe;
my $color = $pipe ?? 1 !! 2;
color_set($color, 0);
mvaddstr($y, $x, @grid[$y;$x]);
$y = $start-y; $x = $start-x;
$dir = South;
$done = False;
sub check-inside($ny, $nx) {
my $y = $ny; my $x = $nx;
my @matrix = (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
( 0, -1), ( 0, 1),
( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1);
return if @grid[$y;$x] ne '.';
my $done = False;
repeat {
@grid[$y;$x] = 'I';
color_set(3, 0);
mvaddstr($y, $x, 'I');
sleep 0.0002;
my @next = @matrix
.map(-> ($dy, $dx) { $y + $dy, $x + $dx })
.grep(-> ($y, $x) {
$x >= 0 && $x < $width &&
$y >=0 && $y < $height &&
@grid[$y;$x] eq '.' });
if +@next {
($y, $x) = @next[0];
} else {
$done = True;
} while !$done;
while !$done {
sleep 0.0002;
color_set(4, 0);
mvaddstr($y, $x, @grid[$y;$x]);
given $dir {
when North {
check-inside($y, $x+1);
$y -= 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '|' { }
when '7' { $dir = West; }
when 'F' { $dir = East; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when South {
check-inside($y, $x-1);
$y += 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '|' { }
when 'J' { $dir = West; }
when 'L' { $dir = East; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when East {
check-inside($y+1, $x);
$x += 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '-' { }
when 'J' { $dir = North; }
when '7' { $dir = South; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
when West {
check-inside($y-1, $x);
$x -= 1;
given @grid[$y;$x] {
when '-' { }
when 'F' { $dir = South; }
when 'L' { $dir = North; }
when 'S' { $done = True; }
default { say "Broken."; exit; }
my @inside = @grid.grep(* eq 'I');
mvaddstr($height + 1, 0, "{+@inside} tiles inside");
delwin($win) if $win;
Here's a visualization of the result: