2020 AoC Day 25 – Combo Breaker

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2020 day 25, written in Raku.


Part One

What encryption key is the handshake trying to establish?

The first step of this solution finds the exponent $loop-value for card and door by brute-force search. Then we can rapidly calculate the encryption key from either public-key / exponent pair using expmod.

  my Int ($card-public, $door-public) = '25-input.txt'.IO.lines>>.Int;

  sub calc-loop-values(*@publics) {

      my $wanted = SetHash.new(@publics);
      my %loop-values = gather {
          my $i = 1;
          my $value = 1;
          while +$wanted {
              $value = ($value * 7) % 20201227;
              if $wanted{$value} {
                  take $value => $i;

  my %loop-values = calc-loop-values($card-public, $door-public);
  say %loop-values;
  say expmod($card-public, %loop-values{$door-public}, 20201227);
  say expmod($door-public, %loop-values{$card-public}, 20201227);
{16915772 => 4618530, 18447943 => 6662323}