2023 AoC Day 7 – Camel Cards

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2023 day 7, written in Raku.


Part One

Camel Cards is sort of similar to poker except it's designed to be easier to play while riding a camel.

In Camel Cards, you get a list of hands, and your goal is to order them based on the strength of each hand. A hand consists of five cards labeled one of A, K, Q, J, T, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, or 2. The relative strength of each card follows this order, where A is the highest and 2 is the lowest.

Find the rank of every hand in your set. What are the total winnings?

Simple strategy:

  1. Map card names to numeric values
  2. Pattern match on sorted bag of card counts to assign hand types
  3. Sort; first by hand type, then by successive card rank
  4. Calculate rank * bid

class Hand {
    has $.hand; has $.bid; has @.cards; has Type $.type;
    submethod TWEAK {
        @!cards = $!hand.trans('TJQKA' => 'abcde').comb>>.parse-base(16);

        my @n = @!cards.Bag.values.sort.reverse;

        if @n ~~ :(5,) { $!type = FIVE-KIND; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(4, 1) { $!type = FOUR-KIND; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(3, 2) { $!type = FULL-HOUSE; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(3, 1, 1) { $!type = THREE-KIND; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(2, 2, 1) { $!type = TWO-PAIR; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(2, *@) { $!type = ONE-PAIR; }
        else { $!type = HIGH; }

my $input = slurp '7-input.txt';
my @hands = $input.lines>>.split(' ').map(
    -> ($hand, $bid) { Hand.new(:$hand, :$bid) });

sub sort-hands($a, $b) {
    return Order::Less if $a.type < $b.type;
    return Order::More if $a.type > $b.type;
    for ^5 -> $i {
        return Order::Less if $a.cards[$i] < $b.cards[$i];
        return Order::More if $a.cards[$i] > $b.cards[$i];
    return Order::Same;

my @sorted = @hands.sort(&sort-hands);

say [+] @sorted.kv.map(-> $k, $v { ($k + 1) * $v.bid });
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10, 2) ~ "s";
Took 0.16s

Part Two

To make things a little more interesting, the Elf introduces one additional rule. Now, J cards are jokers - wildcards that can act like whatever card would make the hand the strongest type possible.

To balance this, J cards are now the weakest individual cards, weaker even than 2. The other cards stay in the same order: A, K, Q, T, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, J …

Using the new joker rule, find the rank of every hand in your set. What are the new total winnings?

Two modifications from part 1:

  1. Map J to 1 instead of 11
  2. Take J count out of the bag of card counts and add it to the highest count

class Hand {
    has $.hand; has $.bid; has @.cards; has Type $.type;
    submethod TWEAK {
        @!cards = $!hand.trans('TJQKA' => 'a1cde').comb>>.parse-base(16);

        my $bag = @!cards.BagHash;
        my $jokers = $bag{1}:delete // 0;
        my @n = $bag.values.sort.reverse;
        @n[0] += $jokers;

        if @n ~~ :(5,) { $!type = FIVE-KIND; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(4, 1) { $!type = FOUR-KIND; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(3, 2) { $!type = FULL-HOUSE; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(3, 1, 1) { $!type = THREE-KIND; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(2, 2, 1) { $!type = TWO-PAIR; }
        elsif @n ~~ :(2, *@) { $!type = ONE-PAIR; }
        else { $!type = HIGH; }

my $input = slurp '7-input.txt';
my @hands = $input.lines>>.split(' ').map(
    -> ($hand, $bid) { Hand.new(:$hand, :$bid) });

sub sort-hands($a, $b) {
    return Order::Less if $a.type < $b.type;
    return Order::More if $a.type > $b.type;
    for ^5 -> $i {
        return Order::Less if $a.cards[$i] < $b.cards[$i];
        return Order::More if $a.cards[$i] > $b.cards[$i];
    return Order::Same;

my @sorted = @hands.sort(&sort-hands);

say [+] @sorted.kv.map(-> $k, $v { ($k + 1) * $v.bid });
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10, 2) ~ "s";
Took 0.17s