2024 AoC Day 6 – Guard Gallivant

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2024 day 6, written in Raku.


Part One

Predict the path of the guard. How many distinct positions will the guard visit before leaving the mapped area?

use Test;

sub day-six($input, $size) {
    my @g[$size;$size] = $input.lines>>.comb;

    sub find-start() {
        for ^$size -> $y {
            for ^$size -> $x {
                return ($x, $y) if @g[$y;$x] eq '^';

    my ($x, $y) = find-start();
    my $dir = '^';
    my $seen = SetHash.new;

    loop {
        given $dir {
            when '^' {
                last if $y == 0;
                $dir = '>' if @g[$y - 1;$x] eq '#';
            when '>' {
                last if $x == $size - 1;
                $dir = 'v' if @g[$y;$x + 1] eq '#';
            when 'v' {
                last if $y == $size - 1;
                $dir = '<' if @g[$y + 1;$x] eq '#';
            when '<' {
                last if $x == 0;
                $dir = '^' if @g[$y;$x - 1] eq '#';

        given $dir {
            when '^' { $y -= 1; }
            when '>' { $x += 1; }
            when 'v' { $y += 1; }
            when '<' { $x -= 1; }


is day-six('test-6.txt'.IO.slurp, 10), 41, 'example input';
say day-six('input-6.txt'.IO.slurp, 130);
ok 1 - example input

Part Two

You need to get the guard stuck in a loop by adding a single new obstruction. How many different positions could you choose for this obstruction?

