This is a solution to Advent of Code 2024 day 5, written in Raku.
Part One
Determine which updates are already in the correct order. What do you get if you add up the middle page number from those correctly-ordered updates?
use Test;
sub check-queue($file) {
my ($rule-text, $pages-text) = $file.IO.slurp.split("\n\n");
my $rules = $rule-text.lines.Set;
my @middle-numbers;
for $pages-text.lines -> $line {
my @pages = $line.split(',');
for @pages.rotor(2 => -1) -> ($l, $r) {
next LINE if not $rules{"$l|$r"}:exists;
@middle-numbers.push: @pages[+@pages div 2];
[+] @middle-numbers
is check-queue('test-5.txt'), 143, 'example input';
say check-queue('input-5.txt');
ok 1 - example input 6498
Part Two
For each of the incorrectly-ordered updates, use the page ordering rules to put the page numbers in the right order…
Find the updates which are not in the correct order. What do you get if you add up the middle page numbers after correctly ordering just those updates?
use Test;
sub check-queue($file) {
my ($rule-text, $pages-text) = $file.IO.slurp.split("\n\n");
my $rules = $rule-text.lines.Set;
my @middle-numbers;
my @sorted-middle-numbers;
for $pages-text.lines -> $line {
my @pages = $line.split(',');
for @pages.rotor(2 => -1) -> ($l, $r) {
if not $rules{"$l|$r"}:exists {
my @sorted = @pages.sort(
-> $a, $b {
$rules{"$a|$b"}:exists ?? Order::Less !! Order::More;
@sorted-middle-numbers.push: @sorted[+@sorted div 2];
next LINE;
@middle-numbers.push: @pages[+@pages div 2];
([+] @middle-numbers), ([+] @sorted-middle-numbers)
is check-queue('test-5.txt'), (143, 123), 'example input';
my ($part-one, $part-two) = check-queue('input-5.txt');
say "Total of middle numbers from correct rules {$part-one}";
say "Total of middle numbers from sorted rules {$part-two}";
ok 1 - example input Total of middle numbers from correct rules 6498 Total of middle numbers from sorted rules 5017