2024 AoC Day 7 – Bridge Repair

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2024 day 7, written in Raku.


Part One

The engineers just need the total calibration result, which is the sum of the test values from just the equations that could possibly be true…

Determine which equations could possibly be true. What is their total calibration result?

use Test;

sub generate-candidates(@values) {
    return @values if +@values == 1;

    my $tail = @values[*-1];
    my @rest = @values[0..^*-1];

    my @totals = generate-candidates(@rest);
    flat @totals.map(* + $tail), @totals.map(* * $tail)

sub day-seven($input) {
    my @equations = $input.IO.lines.map(
        -> $line {
            my ($test, $values) = $line.split(': ');
            my @values = $values.split(' ');
            $test, @values

    my @valid = @equations.grep(
        -> ($test, @values) {
            my @candidates = generate-candidates(@values);
            [||] @candidates.map(-> $t { $test == $t} )

    [+] @valid.map(-> ($test, @values) { $test });

is day-seven('test-7.txt'), 3749, 'example input';
say day-seven('input-7.txt');
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10, 2) ~ "s";
ok 1 - example input
Took 0.91s

Part Two

The concatenation operator (||) combines the digits from its left and right inputs into a single number. For example, 12 || 345 would become 12345. All operators are still evaluated left-to-right…

Using your new knowledge of elephant hiding spots, determine which equations could possibly be true. What is their total calibration result?

use Test;

sub generate-candidates(@values) {
    return @values if +@values == 1;

    my $tail = @values[*-1];
    my @rest = @values[0..^*-1];

    my @totals = generate-candidates(@rest);
    flat @totals.map(* + $tail), @totals.map(* * $tail), @totals.map(-> $n { +"$n$tail" })

sub day-seven($input) {
    my @equations = $input.IO.lines.map(
        -> $line {
            my ($test, $values) = $line.split(': ');
            my @values = $values.split(' ');
            $test, @values

    my @valid = @equations.grep(
        -> ($test, @values) {
            my @candidates = generate-candidates(@values);
            [||] @candidates.map(-> $t { $test == $t} )

    [+] @valid.map(-> ($test, @values) { $test });

is day-seven('test-7.txt'), 11387, 'example input';
say day-seven('input-7.txt');
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10, 2) ~ "s";
ok 1 - example input
Took 46.60s