This is a solution to Advent of Code 2024 day 4, written in Raku.
Part One
This word search allows words to be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, written backwards, or even overlapping other words. It's a little unusual, though, as you don't merely need to find one instance of XMAS - you need to find all of them…
Take a look at the little Elf's word search. How many times does XMAS appear?
Okay, brute-force search for the win! Traverse every position of the grid @p
and try walking
through the characters of XMAS
in each direction. Silently terminate any walk that gets array
bounds errors.
use Test;
sub search($input, $size) {
my @p[$size;$size] = $input.lines>>.comb;
sub xmas-walk($x is copy, $y is copy, $c is copy, $dir) {
return False unless @p[$x;$y] eq $c;
return True if $c eq 'S';
$x -= 1 if $dir.starts-with('n');
$x += 1 if $dir.starts-with('s');
$y -= 1 if $dir.ends-with('w');
$y += 1 if $dir.ends-with('e');
$c .= trans('XMA' => 'MAS');
(try xmas-walk($x, $y, $c, $dir)) // False # absorb array bounds failures
my $total = 0;
for ^$size -> $x {
for ^$size -> $y {
for <n ne e se s sw w nw> -> $dir {
$total += xmas-walk($x, $y, 'X', $dir);
my $test = slurp 'test-4.txt';
is search($test, 10), 18, 'example input';
my $input = slurp 'input-4.txt';
say search($input, 140);
ok 1 - example input 2633
Part Two
Looking for the instructions, you flip over the word search to find that this isn't actually an XMAS puzzle; it's an X-MAS puzzle in which you're supposed to find two MAS in the shape of an X…
Flip the word search from the instructions back over to the word search side and try again. How many times does an X-MAS appear?
Part 2 also traverses the grid @p
, this time looking for the center character A
. Don't
traverse the outer edges of @p
as those positions couldn't be a match. When an A
is found,
check the four possible matrices of M
and S
use Test;
sub search($input, $size) {
my @p[$size;$size] = $input.lines>>.comb;
sub x-mas($x, $y) {
sub check($x, $y, $a, $b, $c, $d) {
@p[$x-1;$y-1] eq $a and @p[$x-1;$y+1] eq $b and
@p[$x+1;$y-1] eq $c and @p[$x+1;$y+1] eq $d
check($x, $y, 'M', 'M', 'S', 'S') or
check($x, $y, 'S', 'M', 'S', 'M') or
check($x, $y, 'S', 'S', 'M', 'M') or
check($x, $y, 'M', 'S', 'M', 'S')
my $total = 0;
for 1 .. $size - 2 -> $x {
for 1 .. $size - 2 -> $y {
if @p[$x;$y] eq 'A' {
$total += x-mas($x, $y);
my $test = slurp 'test-4.txt';
is search($test, 10), 9, 'example input';
my $input = slurp 'input-4.txt';
say search($input, 140);
ok 1 - example input 1936