2024 AoC Day 11 – Plutonian Pebbles

This is a solution to Advent of Code 2024 day 11, written in Raku.


Part One

Consider the arrangement of stones in front of you. How many stones will you have after blinking 25 times?

For part one I was a bit misled by "order is preserved" and the emphasis on arrangements, so I kept all the stones in a list and modified them while maintaining ordering.

use Test;

my $example = '125 17';
my $input = '30 71441 3784 580926 2 8122942 0 291';

sub day-eleven($input, $blinks = 25) {
    my @stones = $input.split(' ');

    for ^$blinks {
        @stones .= map(
            -> $s {
                if $s eq 0 {
                } elsif +$s.comb %% 2 {
                    my $mid = +$s.comb div 2;
                    slip +$s.substr(0, $mid), +$s.substr($mid)
                } else {
                    +$s * 2024

is day-eleven($example), 55312, 'example input';
say day-eleven($input);
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10, 2) ~ "s";
ok 1 - example input
Took 1.60s

Part Two

How many stones would you have after blinking a total of 75 times?

I knew the solution to part one would blow up if part two asked for many more iterations. And right enough, there's no way it would work for 75 iterations. It's now clear that the ordering of stones is not relevant to the challenge so I can keep a map of the $count of each unique stone number. With each blink, the same transform will happen to all stones of the same number.

use Test;

my $example = '125 17';
my $input = '30 71441 3784 580926 2 8122942 0 291';

sub day-eleven($input, $blinks = 25) {
    my $stones = $input.split(' ').Bag;

    for ^$blinks {
        my $new-stones = BagHash.new;
            -> $s, $count {
                if $s eq 0 {
                    $new-stones{1} += $count;
                } elsif +$s.comb %% 2 {
                    my $mid = +$s.comb div 2;
                    $new-stones{+$s.substr(0, $mid)} += $count;
                    $new-stones{+$s.substr($mid)} += $count;
                } else {
                    $new-stones{+$s * 2024} += $count;
        $stones = $new-stones;
    # say "After {$blinks} blinks there are {+$stones.keys} unique stone numbers";

is day-eleven($example), 55312, 'example input';
say day-eleven($input, 75);
say "Took " ~ (now - ENTER now).base(10, 2) ~ "s";
ok 1 - example input
Took 1.33s